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But Wait! Watch The Video
For Next Steps!

But Wait! Watch The Video For Next Steps!

Getting ready to RETIRE or just want out?

Get answers to prepare you to sell your
Business in the next year!

Get answers to prepare you to sell your Business in the next year!

Is This For Me?

Maybe. Read on.
Does this sound like you?

For many years, you've been working hard in your businesses, day in and day out.
Always pushing towards the dream of one day being able to sell.
Maybe you are tired, burnt out, aging, or need a life change.
You WANT to sell- and get paid back for all you've built.
You NEED to sell- so you can afford to retire or move on.
Finally having the time, freedom, and money to enjoy life.
Is this you?

You've made some costly mistakes along the way.
You didn't plan ahead. 90% haven't!
You didn't know you should.
It seems like it might be impossible.
Is this you?

That's exactly why I don't want you to put this off.
If you delay - it could take a YEAR to get back to it.
When you could get a handle on selling in a few hours...
and know what you need to do to get started.

Our goal is to help business owners prepare for a BIG exit.

The more you prepare for the sale,
the more you can guarantee the sale
and the more you can get when you sell!
And don't you think that you deserve it?
Come on!
You have sacrificed time and again.
You have risked all and worked hard.

It's time to guarantee you get your reward!

Total VIP Value $2587  $297

Lock in your Next Steps call.

Did you know an broker I know recently charged $2500 for a valuation. Yup.

You read that right. $2500.
For a basic business valuation. 😮

I promise you, what you are going to learn here is going to change the game for you!

You can wait if you want to...
I will offer another chance to purchase VIP during the masterclass.

An extra opportunity to lock in a private "next steps" call. But at a cost of $497.


You see, most participants will be surprised by what they learn in class. They will have a lot of questions.
They will have information overload and feel stressed.

They will want to be able to ask questions. Usually personal questions about their business and their next steps. And they will buy during the class.

This is your chance to LOCK in VIP. Lock in your call and get your questions answered.

Now for just $297.That is 40% off!

Go VIP Today!
Get help with your Next Steps.
Own a business? You absolutely need this.


Final Hour Q&A - VIP Ticket holders only


A private "next steps" 30 min call with Tracy

$997 (Value)

Masterclass Call Recording

$297 (Value)

Get Exitable Quickstart Challenge

$997 (Value)

Lifetime Valuation Calculator Access

$297 (Value)















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VIP Access for the masterclass



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Meet The Mentors

Tracy Gunn

I did this as a 50 year old Grandma - and you can do it, too.

I’m on a mission to help you get higher a valuation and guarantee "sale-ability"... so that you can exit with a higher payout.

Tracy wasn’t always an expert in helping business owners sell their business. In fact, she used to have businesses with negative valuations. In fact it got so bad that she jokes she was actually looking to pay someone else to take her business!

She doesn’t want any business owner to go through that pain ever again. So she's on a mission to find the people that she KNOWS she can easily help - and prepare their business for sale and change their lives.

When she first set about solving this for herself, she tried to find people to help her. Sadly, what she found is that many of the so-called experts are simply sharing the same information that they’ve copied from the same articles and videos she could easily find for free on the internet.

So she knew she wanted to do something better.
So, she found an amazing partner who also completely gets it... enter Karen Frith.

Tracy spent 2 years researching, studying, and testing methods and decided that she’d only use those that delivered the highest results to include in Get Exitable. She's gone on to use those same discoveries to become recognized as a small business expert, with a focus on buying and selling companies. This is because she understands- having been through it all herself. She has been there. She gets it!

Karen Frith

Knowing what to do is one thing.

Actually making it happen by implementing the necessary change is what Karen is an expert in.

Karen Frith has consulted with some of the biggest brands on the planet for over 20 years, alongside building and selling 5 of her own businesses and helping hundreds of business owners do the same.

Karen’s belief is that every business owner deserves the support from expert consultants, but she’s well aware that not every business owner has the deep pockets large corporations have!

So, as she worked closely with experts from McKinsey, BCG and Bain she began to study their methods and apply them to her own businesses.

When this produced amazing results, she started to help other founders, SME’s who had ‘hit the wall’ and just wanted out. She helped fix the basics and get the companies ready for sale, often having multiple offers on the table or sometimes just helping the owners fall in love with their business again.

Now, using the E.A.S.Y method framework, she is ready to help you too…

Get Exitable Masterclass FAQ's

  • What are the dates for Get Exitable LIVE ?
  • ​Get Exitable - LIVE is being hosted virtually Saturday as a Virtual Event. It runs from 11:00 am EST - 3:00 pm EST. If the event has passed, stay tuned and you'll be the first to know when Get Exitable - LIVE will be offered again!
  • Where is the event being hosted? Get Exitable - LIVE is being hosted virtually. Once you confirm your ticket, you will be sent a link to the private member area where the event will be held. Be sure to join the FB group.
  • Can anyone attend this event? Of course! But we strongly recommend that coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs are present. This event will be beneficial for those starting to preparing their business for sale and eventual exit.
  • Can I get a refund if I cannot attend? Because each registrant will receive pre-event training programs, there will be no refunds for those who cannot attend. That said, we 100% recommend you show up live as we will be helping individuals and answering your specific questions.
  • Is there a money back guarantee? For live attendees, we’re so certain this high-level training intensive will set you up for massive success for your business, that we're offering a money back guarantee. If, by the end of the event, you don’t feel like you’ve received at least a return on your investment, just let us know at that point and we’ll refund your VIP registration fee.
  • Any other questions? reach out at [email protected]


Get your self ready. 
Develop a plan.
Decide that you are going to shift your focus and do it.


Set your plan in motion.
Choose your tasks wisely.
Set yourself up - to not have any work to do.


Find your Buyer.
You might be surprised where they are hiding in plain sight.
That's where tracy found hers!

Attention: Please Read Carefully!

We are pleased to offer a 30-Day Hassle-Free Return Arrangement on all of our items. We trust you're completely fulfilled with any item you buy from us, be that as it may, in case for any reason you're not upbeat together with your buy, and the thing is qualified for return, you'll qualify for a discount with our 30-Day Hassle-Free Return Arrangement. Items are qualified for a discount, trade or store credit in case returned inside 30 days from date of buy and meet the necessities underneath.

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